The Skills That Are As Enriching As They Are Profitable

Pexels Image – CC0 Licence We all have our own hobbies; we take some time each week to dedicate to a craft or an activity that helps us relax and we’re all the better for it! However, some hobbies can be turned into lucrative side hustles, if you’re so inclined, and what you love can […]
Tips To Starting a Music Blog

Photo by NeONBRAND on Unsplash The internet is a vast and exciting place, but it does have its downsides. One of the significant downsides is that it’s very easy to get lost in the shuffle. There are so many blogs and websites that people spend hours on end trying to find good quality content. […]
Interview with Tommy “O” Organ | Michael Jackson Guitarist

1.Tell us how you came to be one if the most sought after guitar players in the world. Moving from Cleveland, Ohio, I hooked up with some of the best musicians in LA then performing at the top venues like The Roxy and The Troubadour. It was a blessing meeting some of those guys. I […]
Ways to Explore Your Creative Side

We all have a creative side, but not all of us make use of it. If you know you’ve been neglecting your creative side and you want to explore it in more depth, you should find ways to do that. But what would that look like and what are some of the best ways to get back in touch with the creative side of your personality? That’s what we’re going to delve into today, so read on and learn more.
A Few Things to Get Right When Starting a Business

Starting a business for the first time is very challenging and there are lots of mistakes that you’ll likely make along the way. However, there are things you can do to ensure you get it right from the off and avoid falling into the traps that a lot of new entrepreneurs fall into. We’re going to talk about these matters today and how you can get them right when starting your business.
4 Ways to Shake Up Your Life

If you have found yourself in a rut recently and you’re looking to get out of it and avoid falling into boredom or depression, it could be time to think about shaking your life up and adding a little excitement to your regular routine. Here are a few good ways to do that:
Top Hobbies that the Whole Family Will Enjoy

If you want to start getting your family more involved with things, then this is very easy to do. The key is finding something that everyone enjoys so that people will take part in any activities without much encouragement. If you want to try and find out which hobbies are going to be most suited […]
Mitchell Coleman Jr. -Bass Player Serving You a Large Serving of Holiday Funk!- Vol.6 – Issue#12 with

Pump it up Magazine – Vol.6 – Issue#12 with Bass Player Mitchell Coleman JR

Born and raised in Cuba, Alabama, he is bassist/composer Mitchell Coleman Jr.
Known for his debut jazz album “Soul Searching,” released back in 2014, featured some of the greatest jazz players, including; legendary Deron Johnson, and Keyboardist/vocalist Herman (Hollywood) Dawkins.Having found a seat among the great jazz names, Mitchell Coleman has gone ahead to release several singles and three albums to his name. To add onto his vast discography is his new and upcoming single “Glide.” Mitchell announced the release date of his new project slated for January 21st on his website with an exhilarating message;
“A radio-ready production and cover of the 1979’s classic by the group Pleasure, produced by Michael B. Sutton.”
What are the Best Activities for Families to Enjoy Together Spending quality time together as a family is one of the most important aspects of raising children and enjoying family life. Family time, or quality time, should be an absolute priority in our lives. But with our busy schedules, it can sometimes be hard to find time for them. But regardless of the age […]