Top Tips & Reviews

How to Balance ACT Prep Classes with Schoolwork?

 Hello, high school students! We understand the immense pressure you face as you navigate the demanding world of academics while preparing for the critical ACT. Striking a balance between ACT prep and schoolwork can seem […]


Benefits of Playing Games As A Family

Image credit As Roald Dahl once said, “Life is more fun when you play games,” there are so many benefits and qualities of playing games with family and friends that you can unlock from this […]


6 Tips for Parents to Foster Creativity in Their Kids

Fostering creativity in children is essential for their overall development and future success. Creativity helps kids develop problem-solving skills, emotional expression, and the ability to think outside the box. One of the best ways to […]


Top 10 facts about paneer you need to know 

The fresh cheese known as paneer, which is frequently used in Indian cooking, has thousands of years of history. Traditionally, paneer was prepared by adding vinegar or lemon juice to heated milk to cause it […]