Inspiring Dreams and Positive Energy From California

4 Ways to Shake Up Your Life

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Most of us get into a rut from time to time. We are only humans and humans need novelty and excitement to truly thrive.


If you have found yourself in a rut recently and you’re looking to get out of it and avoid falling into boredom or depression, it could be time to think about shaking your life up and adding a little excitement to your regular routine. Here are a few good ways to do that:


  1. Get away


One of the best ways to really shake up your life is to completely change your environment. When you visit a new location, it helps you to get a new perspective on life and gives you lots of new sights, sounds, smells, and cultures to reinspire you. You don’t have to be like Kendra Bentley and go on a race around the world for this to help you out of your rut either – even a ten-day location in a sunnier clime can do wonders for your physical, mental, and spiritual health, In fact, simply taking the time to visit a new part of your city that you have not explored before can work wonders too.


  1. Follow your dreams


Many of us fall into a life rut because we are doing the things we need to do to get by whether it’s working a job we hate or hitting the gym five times a week, instead of the things we really want to do, So, one of the best ways to shake up your life is undoubtedly to start following our dreams, Whether you’ve always wanted to travel the world or start a non-profit, there is no reason why you cannot start working towards your goals right now, and by doing so, you will find that you get a new lease of life and something to keep you going.

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  1. Do your hobbies more


What do you like doing in your free time? Do you love knitting? Working out? Reading? identify those hobbies that truly bring you joy and start to do more of that in your life and less of the other stuff that you like less. Life is too short and we should all be spending more time doing those things we enjoy the most, and really, what is stopping you from spending more time on your hobbies?


  1. Say yes


Instead of saying no to things that scare you, why not say yes? Go on that date, jump out of that plane, take a pottery class with your best friend. Why? Because you might just like it! Sure, you won’t love everything you agree to do but if you don’t agree in the first place, you will never find out what it is that you enjoy, so say yes and give it a go.


Shaking up your life is not always easy, but if you are in a rut, feeling bored, or struggling with your mental health, it can often be one of the best things you could possibly do, so what are you waiting for?

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