The Psychology of Star Wars: What Attracts Us to the Dark Side?

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I have always wondered why Star Wars was a blockbuster pick. What is so good about this particular science fiction? A whole day is attributed to celebrating this space franchise beckoning fans globally.

After receiving some much-needed insights,  I have finally uncovered the truth. It is one thing to fall for the good in something because that is expected of us. Star Wars has brought the dark world to us in a relatable way, that even us noble light side fans are tempted by the Sith psychology.

Star Wars: The Return of The Sith is the embodiment of answers. Anakin Skywalker,  the hope and revolutionary for the Galaxy suddenly flipped sides and is now the worst-known villain of the entire Skywalker saga.

George Lucas has done a wonderful production and casting job, relying on the dark side perfectly to the curious Jedi and Sith enthusiasts. You know it was a job well done when you started resonating with the evil!

Thirst For Power

A world defined by Jedi who live by strict rules and want to enforce their beliefs on every force individual, albeit for a good cause, exhausted the followers in line. So naturally Darth Sidious was compelled to rebel against what was expected of him. He felt powerless and in his pursuit of power, dominance, and control, he was enchanted into doing the opposite of the good.

Besides, the allure of what-ifs constantly clouded his mind. His instincts screamed and encouraged him to forge a pathway offering unlimited potential. Only his untamed thrust for power led to his inevitable demise.

Allure Of The Forbidden

Human curiosity is wired such that the forbidden asks to be unlocked. If you warn someone despite their natural understanding, they will question why they should stay away from the prohibited. What is on the other side? Yoda warned time and time again about the irreversible pathway from the dark side. That is why Jedi like Luke Skywalker almost surrendered to the dark promises.

Star Wars is filled with dark characters from Darth Maul to Kylo Ren that melt into the glamor of evil. However, their thirst made them forget the difference between power and corruption.

Villains Are Made

My favorite thing about Star Wars is the key that unlocks the eager nature of dark-side lovers. The brilliant production, styling, and acting of the iconic cast have rationalized our emotions. Villains like Darth Vader carried a past filled with inner turmoil and emotional challenges. At one point in the series, Episode III- Revenge Of The Sith, fans can empathize with how life turned out for an ex-Jedi consumed by his emotions. His fear of losing his loved one weakened Darth Vader.

However, he saved his son Luke Skywalker, and returned balance to the force, making us rethink the picture we paint about the villains of the real or fictional world.

False Acceptance

Star Wars’ dark side welcomed characters like Count Dooku and Kylo Ren into a galactic world offering false acceptance. Morally ambiguous individuals are already vulnerable about their beliefs and the dark side offering fruits of friendship and belonging is exactly what they need. As outcasts the idea of another soul sharing the same objectives as them is unbelievably good, together they could make something big out of what they have in their minds.

In Star Wars Darth Sidious is a mastermind that controls his potential subjects like puppets, using the clones for his bidding.

The Stain of Negativity

Although there is a well-hidden and overlooked optimism in the dark side, you cannot deny the unmistakable stain negativity leads on someone’s minds, or rather weapons. The cinematic landmark is filled with such examples. Darth Vader was too deep into the evil that his redemption technique failed to save him at the end.

Apart from the character, the neopixel lightsabers, initially weapons of civilized age, have been mutilated, drained, and bled with rage and anger, to promote the Sith treachery. Kylo’s blade forever cracked in the process of dark side conversion.

The Good in Bad

Apart from creating a creative and political TV marvel, Star Wars Dark Side has personally taught me several things. What should I always steer clear of? The irreversible damage of the dark side and the lessons one learns after, or if, they return from the dark side?

Some mistakes latch onto you forever. Next time you think of repeating the footsteps, you will not dig the grave deeper than a few Tatooine shovels.


The dark side of Star Wars psychology has offered a deep look into human psychology and why the allure is tempting. On the flip side, the mistakes highlighted in the multimedia franchise are a cautious reminder of your mistakes ultimately nipping you at your robed ankles.

Anissa Sutton, founder of Pump It Up Magazine, is a visionary singer, performer, and industry leader. Through her magazine and KPIU RADIO, she empowers individuals in entertainment, lifestyle, and humanitarian fields by offering resources, advice, and a platform for showcasing talent. Discover how Anissa is helping artists and entrepreneurs reach their full potential with the guidance and support they need to succeed