6 Pieces of Advice Chicago Pedestrian Accident Attorneys Have for Victims

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Living in a city like Chicago has its perks. On one hand, you’ll enjoy the sight of beautiful architecture and vibrant neighborhoods, and there are also plenty of places to explore on foot. On the other hand, life as a pedestrian is not without its risks, and pedestrian accidents are one of them.

If you sit down with any seasoned Chicago pedestrian accident attorney, they’re going to tell you a few key things, pieces of advice that can make or break your case, and maybe even your recovery. And it’s not just the generic stuff like “rest up” or “don’t worry.”

Here are 6 solid pieces of advice that a competent lawyer will give you.

1.  Your First Instinct Might Be to Settle, Don’t

It’s natural, especially for those of us who live in a busy city such as Chicago, to downplay an injury. After all, we’ve been conditioned to think that unless something is obviously broken or bleeding, we can push through it.

But sometimes, the most serious injuries don’t show up right away. You might feel fine now, but hours, even days later, the pain could flare up.

Ignoring these warning signs is a big mistake. It’s like trying to drive with a flat tire. You might think you can limp along, but eventually, it’ll lead to bigger problems.

So, don’t be a tough guy. If you’ve been hurt, even a little, go get it checked out. It’s better to be safe than sorry.

2.  You Don’t Have to Be in a Hurry to Settle

After an accident, it’s easy to feel like everything needs to happen fast. You’re getting calls from insurance companies, bills are starting to pile up, and you just want to get back to your normal life.

But one of the most valuable things an attorney will tell you is to slow down. There’s a real temptation to accept the first settlement offer that comes your way, after all, it might seem like a quick fix to your tough situation.

But here’s what you might not realize: that first offer is rarely what you deserve. It’s often just the starting point in a longer negotiation process. If you settle too soon, you might miss out on compensation that could cover future medical treatments or lost wages that haven’t even come into play yet.

It’s okay to take your time. Let your attorney guide you through the process, and don’t feel pressured to rush into anything just because the bills are making you anxious. Patience now can pay off down the line.

3.  The Little Details Are Important

When you’re recovering from an accident, your first thoughts will probably revolve around healing and moving forward, not keeping track of every detail. But something most people don’t realize until it’s too late is how important those little things can be.

Make sure that you record details like how many days you couldn’t go to work, the costs of medications, or even how you felt emotionally after the accident.

When things settle down and you start considering compensation or legal options, these small details become the backbone of your case.

4.  Your Pain Isn’t Always Visible—and That’s Okay

Sometimes, when you’re hurt, it’s not obvious to the outside world. Maybe you didn’t break any bones, maybe there’s no dramatic blood loss, but that doesn’t mean you aren’t suffering.

Attorneys know that pedestrian accidents can leave people with deep, invisible scars such as lingering headaches, chronic back pain, or emotional trauma that follows you long after the physical injuries heal.

Just because your injuries aren’t visible to others doesn’t mean they aren’t real, and they certainly shouldn’t be dismissed.

5.  Your Long-Term Welfare Should Be Put into Consideration

Most of us aren’t trained to anticipate medical needs months or even years into the future, but attorneys are. They’ve seen cases like yours play out, so they know that even if you get through medical bills now, there’s a chance you might face recurring symptoms or even long term treatment. They will factor all of this in when they help you set a compensation amount.

6.  Talking to Witnesses Matters More Than You Think

One of the most overlooked aspects of a pedestrian accident is the value of witness testimony. Sure, the driver and you have your versions of the story, but the perspective of someone who saw it happen is golden, and it could serve as a tiebreaker in court.

A third-party witness can back up your claims and provide a neutral account that might just be the deciding factor in your case.

However, you have to know that these witnesses move on with their lives. If you don’t gather their information right away, tracking them down later can be almost impossible.

A good attorney will do all it takes to get their statements as early as possible, not only to support your side but also to protect against the other party trying to spin the situation.

So, if there were people who stopped to help you, make sure to get their contact information, and your attorney will take it from there.

Anissa Sutton, founder of Pump It Up Magazine, is a visionary singer, performer, and industry leader. Through her magazine and KPIU RADIO, she empowers individuals in entertainment, lifestyle, and humanitarian fields by offering resources, advice, and a platform for showcasing talent. Discover how Anissa is helping artists and entrepreneurs reach their full potential with the guidance and support they need to succeed