Inspiring Dreams and Positive Energy From California


What were some of your first introductions to dance and electronic music?
*From the age of 14, I would play around with dance music in a radio station in my city, alternating with my vocation as a guitarist at various rock and punk bands.
*Over time, electronic music won me over, converting it into my one and only chronic passion going forward.
How old were you when you began producing? What drove you to embark on a career in music?
*I started producing music when only trackers existed. With them, I discovered I can make tracks that I really liked. I have always been “weird” with music and have always given it great importance to find its place in each set. My interest in music production didn’t really start until I discovered Final Scratch and then I started producing music solely to be able to play it out. I was already a DJ for awhile by then, but I evolved into an artist when I started producing. 
Tell us how the advancement of YouTube and Soundcloud has affected your growth as a producer
*YouTube and Soundcloud are important tools that help in promotion and developing your brand. You can reach a new objective crowd within 10 minutes, that is superior to any club or festival, as well as target your audience. With a little bit of luck (and a lot of work), you can gain entry in the club circuit playing gigs. The truth is that my Soundcloud usage has not been of much use for a long time now (that my account is outdated). If you are just starting out, Soundcloud is inexpensive. But if you’re a professional, become a part of promo pools, and be able to get more legitimate feedback that way. In the long run, you end up saving money. 
What do you consider to be some advantages that young producers have in 2017 that may not have been available to you when you got started?
*Lets see…when I started, modems functioned at 14400, the closest thing to Facebook was IRC (internet relay chat) and making a video was unthinkable. The exclusivity of your music depended on the distance you traveled to get it, and what you discovered talking shop at the music stores. I think that at the core nothing has changed; everything keeps being the same with different outlets. Of course, starting now has nothing to do with things how they were 20 years ago. Today you don’t need anybody else to show the world what you know how to do: you have a social platform to define your audience via Facebook, a window to the world via YouTube, you can create a record label in 10 minutes, and you can do it all from your house, in whatever order you choose. We all agree that competition is fierce nowadays, and intrusion into our profession is incredible, but we also have the opportunity now to be recognized in any part of the world with only investing in a computer .
Got any advice for young producers who are in the midst of releasing their first album, EP or single?
*Do what you feel from within…from your heart. If you do what everyone else is doing, you will never create anything different.
*The pressure on new producers is huge, because the public demands only what they know. And to some extent, we are at fault for that, because sometimes it’s easier to produce for the general  public than to explore new sounds that you know will not fit into the current mainstream sound or have any economic benefit (or be relevant to the public). But you need to believe, of course, that what’s in style will change with a touch of genius. 
What are ou going to prepare for us, what’s the news?
*Currently I am working on a project that me and my business partner/friend (Enrique Rodriguez) created, NO DIVA DJS (which launched initially in the USA), and we’ve imported it over to Spain as a second test market. It is a concept for events that is different than any other, in that it is based on the public and the want we all have to have a great time while leaving aside the pedestal that djs nowadays have been put on. Our slogan, “It’s about your fans, not your ego” we want the partygoers to understand that in the dj booth, we also like to have a great time interacting with our fans, without any set rules of pretentiousness. And for those that cannot attend the event, we are able to deliver our ideal via streaming in real time, so they know what to expect before they come to one of our events. 
*For us, the most important thing isn’t who is playing behind the decks. It is that the person playing, has the skill to be behind there and show his skills. 
*and of course, I also have my business, providing creative services to artists around the world. 
Now my place of residence is Madrid, but I do not rule out coming back very soon to the states to visit my friends and followers on a tour.
To download the complete EPK, please click HERE
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