A young school girl (14) and budding explorer (Ashley) finds a mysterious map inside an old comic following a breaking news story, reporting a UFO sighting. Persuading her friends to join her, they go on a hunt to find the crash site, this leading to them going back in time and having an adventure of a lifetime.
“We are incredibly excited about this show, it captures the imagination and has a magical feel to it, the possibilities are endless”…Leon Mitchell (Director)
The concept was created by the team at Cinalight Studios and has been quoted as similar in essence to the 1980’s blockbuster The Goonies. Production began in November 2019 in the UK with the full cast and handy work of Director of Photography James Ian Gray
(Watchmen / Yesterday).
“The show is full of twists and turns and you will fall in love withthe characters, it’s the adventure every kid wants to go on, the
cast were selected from over 5000”…Kinga Biskup (Producer).
In addition to the show, the Luna Squad will also feature on the music release to major digital stores as a pop super group on May 11th , a 2 part cover comic and a number of UK appearances. The show is family friendly and perfect for young kids and teens, of course mums and dads too.
To know more about Luna Squad, please visit:

Notes to Editors
The Leading Cast Character Local Press
Brooke Fleming: Ashley Lincolshire
Kizzie Mather: Kizzie Merseyside
Ethan Jackson: Max Hampshire
Abbie Cole: Scarlett Essex
Daniel McGovern: Nick Derbyshire
Andrew Distefano: Cub Hampshire
Sienna Demontis: Kara Derbyshire
Manasa Tagica: Jack London
Also Featured in Shout Magazine and The Week Junior
Patrick Murray: Dr Wallace East Kent
Ben Walters: Bradley Banner Derbyshire
Hannah Bellemore: Lady V London
Out of cast notes | Click Here | Password: lunalove2020
1 | Episode 1 | Titled – The Map
2 | The leading cast were chosen out of 5000 direct applications, there are 8 members directly in The Luna Squad
3 | DOP, James Ian Gray, recent credits to include the box office hit “Yesterday”
4 | The leading cast are also a new pop group with a single and album in development
5 | The launch of episode 1 on the 5th June is celebrating the next UK Lunar Eclipse
6 | All of the cast are multi-talented, profiles are within the info pack link above
7 | Sienna who plays Kara in the Luna Squad was crowned Miss Galaxy UK (Junior)
8 | Daniel who plays Nick in the Luna Squad is the presenter of BAFTA (Kids)
9 | Kizzie who plays Kizzie in the Luna Squad is a champion gymnast and cheerleader
10| Abbie, Manasa, Andrew, Brooke and Ethan are all talented actors, singers, dancers with star quality
11| Filming locations: Kent, Cambridgeshire, London
12| The cave scene in Episode 1 was filmed at the famous Fort Amherst in Kent
Key Contact | Cinalight Studios | Leon Mitchell & Kinga Biskup | cinalightstudios@gmail.com | +44 (0) 7790428897
Web: www.cinalight.com
Legal Representative Alexis Grower Financial Representative
Stoney Philbin & Company Ltd