Every good day starts with a plan. Every good life is lived on purpose.
Appointments. Family time. Work meetings. The endless to-do-list that just keeps getting longer and longer. When you’re a single mom of four like Felicia Green, you need
some kind of way to keep on top of it, otherwise the downward spiral into total chaos is inevitable.
In her book #MOMBOSS, Felicia Green gives you the road map to living an efficient, supercharged life as a working mom.

The mom boss planner is the method Felicia Green has been refining for years, to maintain her lifestyle as an all-round super mom. Inside you’ll find a daily structure that allows you to
plan out your days by the hour and set your most important goals. Sometimes it can feel like we have to make a choice between working and spending time with your loved ones.
But with the #MOMBOSS planner, you don’t need to make that sacrifice any longer. Felicia Green lays out the blueprint that makes it possible to be highly successful in your career, whilst
still giving your kids the childhood they deserve. There’s even extra space for your favorite quotes to keep you inspired.
From being beaten down by depression and domestic abuse, to becoming a successful entrepreneur, speaker and life coach; The mom boss planner is Felicia Green ‘s secret weapon to living your best life as a busy parent.
Felicia Green’s been a writer and model since just five years old; and through hard-work and a strong faith in God, overcame the struggles of depression, abuse and being a single parent. Felicia’s mission is to help guide others going through similar pain, so they can find the same level of freedom and success that
she has in her life. #MOMBOSS is not just here to empower woman, but for anyone who is going through tough times.
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Available on amazon now : https://amzn.to/2vW6x93
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