CST Presents its 4th Annual Black Tie Masquerade Virtual
Children Striving Together is a youth based non-profit organized based in the city of Compton services all of Los Angeles County and beyond. Our mission is to assist inner city youth through enrichment activities, mentoring, tutoring, annual events, and so much more. Our motto is toand we plan on doing that by planting the seeds of success into our children. With a non-profit comes the ability to upkeep the infrastructure, programming, and a safe haven for our youth. The goal that we have set for our event this year is $100,000. By accomplishing this goal, we will be able to be housed in our very own youth center, provide amazing programming and services for our youth, and contine thriving for success.
Due to the recent pandemic that we are all being affected by, we have decided to host this event virtually. We hope all join us for a night of entertainment, awards, raffles, and much more. All you have to do is sit back and watch. If you are interested in donating, you can text cstgala to 443-21 and let the fundraising begin. Zoom links will be sent 2 days before the event, 1 day before the event, and the day of the event. Raffle prizes will be available for purchase as well on our website.
Please visit www.childrenstrivingtogether.org
See you soon and as always, thank you for “Helping Our Youth Thrive.”