How do you find inspiration for original works?
Dionyza : Real life experiences mostly, whether it’s mine or someone I know and other times I’ll find it in something I’ve watched in a movie, or documentary, news, reality tv etc

Dionyza : What’s changed for me is that more doors are open to signing more women of color to genres of music we didn’t get a lot of opportunities to break into or was extremely difficult to break into like country music for example. What could be done better?…well that’s a long list of things but to name a couple, more opportunities for indie artists and also that record labels, major and independent, need more A&R reps willing to take chances on talented original artists instead of looking for the next Beyonce, Rihanna and Justin Timberlake.
Dionyza : Also a long list. but I’ll name my top inspirations. Whitney Houston, Chaka Khan, The Emotions, Aretha Franklin but my biggest inspirations happen to be black male singers/artists which is Michael Jackson, Prince and the one and only Stevie Wonder being my number one inspiration.
Dionyza : Oh man, Tripping down on a few steps of stairs on the way off stage. There was no way to play it off. Funny AND embarrassing. I still get reminded of it when I run into former band members/background singers lol.

What’s your biggest professional regret?
Dionyza : Stevie Wonder: Innervisions