Dear Bravo and Andy Cohen,
We are asking that you fire Kyle Richards and Teddi Arroyave. Kyle has continuously slandered Lisa Vanderpump by accusing her of leaking stories. It’s come out before that one of the leaks came from Adrienne’s cook in a past season and radaronline has cleared Lisa Vanderpump regarding the recent puppy gate situation. Kyle has persistently accused Lisa with no proof whatsoever. Teddi Arroyave should be fired for the fact she helped propel The propaganda and then only owning up to it so she could spin the narrative to make herself look innocent.
It is so blatantly clear to RHOBH fans that sabatoged Lisa Vanderpump that we are insisting that these two be fired. Your own show also clears Lisa if wrong doing as John blizzard admitted he used Lisa’s name without her knowledge while talking to Teddi.
I went back and rewatched all previous seasons and it quite clear that Kyle is at the root of most of these rumor issues as far as blaming them on LVP. She tries to get the other ladies mad at certain women (ex she wanted Erika mad at Rinna for impersonating her….saw right through that but it didn’t work) and has Teddi helping her with the dirty work. Both are incredibly jealous and Teddi would love nothing more than to sink LVP and Dorit.
we are the fans and we are sick of this behavior. It may actually jeopardize the Beverly Hills franchise ratings