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Essential Tips for Keeping Your Nail Salon Clean


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As a nail salon owner, keeping your business space as clean as possible is crucial. Here are some essential tips for keeping your nail salon clean.

As a business owner, one of your many priorities is to keep your business space in good, clean condition at all times. If you run a nail salon, there are many areas and tools that you utilize on a daily basis that require proper sanitation to keep employees and clients safe. Here are some essential tips for keeping your nail salon clean.

Clean Manicure Stations Regularly

The first tip for keeping your nail salon safe and sanitary is regularly cleaning manicure stations. As a nail tech, your manicure station is one of the main areas where you provide services to clients. Multiple clients will sit here throughout the day and get their nails done. Therefore, it’s crucial that you clean and sanitize this space to ensure the safety of yourself and your clients.

Germs can spread easily, causing potential illness, so you want to take the necessary steps to minimize this risk. Before and after each client’s appointment, you should wipe down all surfaces with disinfectant to clean the area.

Sanitize All Your Tools and Supplies

Sanitizing your tools and supplies is also an essential step when cleaning your nail salon. This measure is one of the most important tips for safe manicures and pedicures in your salon. Nail techs have to use some of the same tools on multiple clients throughout the day, which increases the risk of spreading infection. Therefore, you must sterilize and sanitize each one of your tools and supplies before using them on each client.

There are also single-use supplies, such as nail files, that you should not reuse on multiple clients. Instead, you should dispose of these tools after one use, as the porous materials do not sanitize well.

Disinfect Pedicure Chairs and Footbaths

Another essential cleaning tip for nail salons is disinfecting pedicure chairs and footbaths. In the same way that you clean your manicure stations regularly, you must also clean your pedicure units and chairs before and after client use.

You should clean the units and chairs with a cleaning solution and an EPA-approved disinfectant wipe to remove germs and bacteria. You also want to clean the footbaths and wash bowls after each client appointment. The water in these bowls dirties with skin cells and other materials, so you should never reuse the water for more than one client. Wash and disinfect the bowl before replacing the water for the next appointment.

As you develop cleaning strategies for your business, be sure to utilize these helpful tips for keeping your nail salon clean. The cleaner your business is, the safer your clients will be and the happier they will feel with their overall experience.


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