HERMIT: MONSTER KILLER has been in the works since 2002, when Paulakoski first began writing the script. “Years ago, I saw a short about an old hermit living alone with his dog,” the filmmaker explains. “The hermit loses his dog in the forest, and this turns his life totally upside down. He endlessly searches for his dog, and then the film ends with the dog coming home the next morning. I was joking with a filmmaker friend: What if the dog was killed by a monster? And I realized, oh my God! This could become a great horror film!”

This creature feature tells the story of a an old grumpy man (the hermit) on revenge, a pack of hunters and a rugby gorilla mascot running for his life, with one thing in common: an alien being that has crashed to earth, eating anyone in its path. Now it’s up to the heroes to stop this menacing creature at all cost.

  • From the producer Jonas Wolcher of CANNIBAL FOG and PRECISION and director Ola Paulakiski, HERMIT: MONSTER KILLER IS the first Swedish monster film since 1959. Which kind of begs the question: What the hell Sweden? One monster movie ever sixty years?
  • HERMIT: MONSTER KILLER has been in the works since 2002, when Paulakoski first began writing the script. “Years ago, I saw a short about an old hermit living alone with his dog,” the filmmaker explains. “The hermit loses his dog in the forest, and this turns his life totally upside down. He endlessly searches for his dog, and then the film ends with the dog coming home the next morning. I was joking with a filmmaker friend: What if the dog was killed by a monster? And I realized, oh my God! This could become a great horror film!” This creature feature tells the story of a an old grumpy man (the hermit) on revenge, a pack of hunters and a rugby gorilla mascot running for his life, with one thing in common: an alien being that has crashed to earth, eating anyone in its path. Now it’s up to the heroes to stop this menacing creature at all cost.
  • The 10th of March Dino Publishing JW went from just being a production company to a also become a movie distributor to Swedish cinemas. Jonas Wolcher owner of Dino Publishing JW, “I was tired to hear very few distributors wanted to show genre films on Swedish cinemas. It’s so hard to get your production screened and it’s usually the film maker itself is the one who ends up paying for screening their own movie in at theater. I want to change that and give back the money to the production itself. Now when we have a license we are able to offer 88 cinemas in Sweden good quality genre films from all over the world. Finally the genre film maker can get paid by showing them on the silver screen”. A new chapter in the Swedish film history is written.
  • The first movie available to cinemas is the scifi horror-comedy HERMIT: MONSTER KILLER co-produced by Jonas Wolcher at Dino Publishing JW. Jonas continues: “The potential for the movie is huge. We’ve seen the reactions for the movie in Mexiko and Germany. Now it the Swedes turn after nearly 1 years waiting. The premiere of HERMIT: MONSTER KILLER will be March the 15th at Skoghalls Folkets Hus. I’m so pleased to have Region Värmland believing in us and for their support. After the Swedish premiere the movie is available for rent to other cinemas in our country


Jonas the Producer & Distributor at the Premiere !

Anissa Sutton, founder of Pump It Up Magazine, is a visionary singer, performer, and industry leader. Through her magazine and KPIU RADIO, she empowers individuals in entertainment, lifestyle, and humanitarian fields by offering resources, advice, and a platform for showcasing talent. Discover how Anissa is helping artists and entrepreneurs reach their full potential with the guidance and support they need to succeed