1. First, let’s talk about how you got into nail art and when did you decide to turn your passion for nails into a career?
Well I’ve been an artist my whole life. I was always that girl who was always doodling in my notebook and drawing people where I was at. I’ve done portraits, jewelry making anything u can think of I’ve done it when it comes to art.
When the pandemic happened I was already doing my own nails. My Niece Taylor said Auntie can you start doing my nails? Of course I said yes and that’s how I started doing nails. I was fascinated at how people did all this cool stuff on these little canvas”nails”. I actually fell in love with doing the nails because you could do my artwork on nails. This made me so happy I was now doing my favorite thing which is painting and making other people feel beautiful. This is a win win for me!
2. How is your creative process?
My creative process is however I’m feeling for the day. If I’m happy I wanna do happy nails, if I’m said then I want dark nails. This goes for my nails. But I also love when my clients bring me inspiration. I love to be challenged bring me all the crazy designs. I wanna be the best that I can be so let’s try it all. So if u want me to build a moving man in your nails let’s try it. It might not come out right but I will definitely try it.
Hmm I think the most fashionable nail shape is stiletto shape its Fierce and fun. Then I would say the coffin it’s classy but not as fierce as the stiletto shape more people can pull off the coffin shape then the stiletto shape.
I personally love when my hands got together but they are both different. So I lots of times will have one had ones style like coffins with a design and the other might be stiletto with just one color. That’s my own personal trend. But as for everyone else it’s the glazed dount nails. This is where the nails look like they have and Iridescent look to it. It’s done with chrome powders they look so classy. Also a big trend is 3d nails where u have a bear or charm on your nails. These 3d nails are made sometimes out of acrylic. But there is so many things u can do on nails these days nothing I see anymore is to crazy. I’ve even seen someone make a pimple nails that u could actually pop.
Diet is everything when it comes to nails growth. But if you have brittle dry nails do an oil manicure let your nails sit in olive oil and lemon juice for about 10 minutes helps give them strength and moisture to the natural nail.
I love working with everyone! I’ve had celebrity clients and have the average joe. But I must say kids and elders are my favorite. Kids help me to work faster and efficient. The elders I love their stories, they have so much knowledge and I want to know about all of it.
The nails industry is always changing! Learn how to do everything! Go to school get your License and Practice, practice, practice! You must network because the beauty industry is all about word of mouth. If you do a good job the people will come. So prefect your craft!
Well I’m coming out with my own line of nail care products. I also want to help more women of color get into this industry.
Women of color get their nails done more than anyone else yet there are very few women of color in the industry!
So I will definitely be teaching in the near future.
I can be contacted on social media