How Fashion & Confidence Intersect

  Pexels – CC0 License   When we begin to think of fashion, it’s very easy for us to dismiss ourselves and feel excluded from it. After all, fashion is often intrinsically tied with beauty, […]


Easy Diet Hacks That Work

Image by ElasticComputeFarm Over the last 100 years or so, America has been the recipient of giant waves of migration from all corners of the earth, this has created the fabled melting-pot that is the […]


8 Ways To Look After Your Skin

Pexels – CC0 Licence What makes a person attractive? In truth, there’s no one single answer to that question. Attractiveness comes from various sources, and they’re not all based on physicality. A person’s character and […]


Media Kit

The online publication is an review, interview, advertorial ad or press release that is published in, and we will send you a digital link of the publication so you can use it in your […]