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New ‘Deadpool 2’ Spots Further Reveal the Sequel’s Plot

During last night’s The Walking Dead-themed evening on AMC—which included the finale of The Walking Dead, the premiere of Fear the Walking Dead’s new season, and a new episode of Talking Dead—20th Century Fox made a big advertising play for Deadpool 2. The studio rolled out three separate TV spots during the three different programs, which play like one long spot when strung together.

While the spots don’t feature a ton of new footage, we do get a hint at the sequel’s plot—something that’s been kept firmly under wraps. Josh Brolin’s Cable says he’s come back in time for “the boy,” played by Hunt for the Wilderpeople breakout Julian Dennison, while Deadpool (Ryan Reynolds) forms the superhero/villain group “X-Force.” That’s about all we’ve got right now, and while it’s not much, Fox knows audiences aren’t really turning out to Deadpool 2 for the story. They want to see more of Deadpool’s R-rated antics, so everything else is gravy. That means we’re getting a rare superhero movie for which we know next to nothing about the plot, so it’ll hopefully be a nice surprise when the film hits theaters next month.

Check out the Deadpool 2 TV spots below. The film also stars Zazie Beets, Morena BaccarinT.J. MillerBrianna HildebrandLeslie UggamsStefan Kapicic, and Karan SoniDeadpool 2 opens May 18th.

Source: Collider

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