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Selling Your Home During Uncertain Times in 2023

Photo by Oleksandr Pidvalnyi: 
CC0 Licensed Image Courtesy of Pexels

It’s never really easy when selling your home or a property you have invested in. The markets fluctuate, attitudes change, and world economics come into play. But here are some handy tips.

First, Know When to Buy

Knowing when to buy a home or property for redevelopment is really the key to making a profit. After all, it is a business. And any business relies on a keen sense of when to buy and when to sell. For a larger portfolio, you can read this real estate investing guide available here. But even if you are buying one property, timing is everything. Right now, during the spring of 2023, is a good time to buy since there are typically more homes on the market at this time of the year.

Make Changes in Line with Expectations

Buying a property at the right time is the first step. And there are many more when you want to sell and make a good profit. Sprucing up the decor, decluttering, and thorough cleaning are vital. But there are also some expectations that a modern buyer will want to see. For example, you might need to upgrade the energy efficiency of the home to meet rising costs. Additionally, people will want some good outside space and even some mod-cons like smart home features.

Make It Easy for a Buyer when Selling Your Home

The longer your home is on the market, the more likely you will lose money. It doesn’t do anything for you sitting there. And as you might know, buyers can take a while to make up their minds. On average, it takes between 55 and 70 days to sell a home. But you can boost this if you make it easier for the buyers. Preparing your home means staging it well, making it look lived in to help them visualize it, and providing health and safety certifications for peace of mind.

Be Sensible with the Asking Price

The key part of selling a home is the asking price. And this can be affected based on the area, economic factors, and the current property market situation. Additionally, you may have to reduce your asking price if you aren’t willing to modernize a home. This is because your buyer will have to pay extra after buying the house. Of course, you need to make up for anything you have spent on the home. But try not to be too liberal with the extra value after a renovation.

Stay Aware of the Risks

The property market can be like gambling sometimes. And it is never a guarantee that you will make a big profit or sell a home quickly. There are many outside influences that can affect your sale. These include a drop in the housing market, overall available money and the cost of living, as we are seeing right now. Timing is a good deciding factor. But you must also stay aware that there is always a risk to your investment, no matter how much you research or time a sale.


It can be very easy or challenging to sell your home, especially in uncertain times such as this year. However, you can time it right, make it easier for buyers, and understand the wider risks.


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