Inspiring Dreams and Positive Energy From California

Shoes like clouds and Personal Protective Equipment for Runners of all Levels.

After the first kilometer, rhythm takes over, and my mind can wonder. At that point, running is time-based until the +30km mark. The effort beyond 30km increases in magnitude. I know my limits and at 52 years old, I understand when to rest.

I am not a fan of feeling a shoe blow out in stride. Through cleaning, inspection, and manipulation, I usually catch gear before it fails. Living in Southeast Asia means any glue or cheap materials will deteriorate rapidly.

I was a big fan of the Nike 7.0 when they came out, a lifetime ago. They were ultralightweight but offered little support. I ran through them quickly. Decades of use, development, and materials science advancement have been combined to give us clouds to run on.

The TN 3 collection contains the most recent and improved running shoe technology. Their impact absorption extends my comfortable range significantly. Other Nike lines with air support are the Phantom or Infinity React, Air Max, Pegasus, and more. Air-cushioning is the industry standard. Smaller individual chambers fit the variations of our size, weight, posture, running style, etc.

I never stretch cold tendons, do you? After slow squats, reverse lunges, toe touches, and some knees up to my chest, I stretch my legs with a gentle run. My path has various stations with static equipment for stretching once warm or other calisthenics.

You long-distance runners are on the edge of “freaks of nature”. I use running for cardio, and bone/muscle/joint strength. Once you strap on a runners-belt with four water bottles, I realize I am in over my head. A reflective belt or bottle pouch is an intelligent choice.

My favourite high-res colour is orange. I want to be seen from dawn to dusk. I was nearly killed running one morning. The low-angle sun blinded a driver, who also had no intention of stopping at the controlled intersection. I was struck, thrown 15m, and took months to recover. Ever since then, I run after the sun is well up.

My family’s stinky-foot gene missed me, I swear. Living in the tropics it’s smart to tend to your feet and gear to prevent fungus. My sisters need sneaker spray and to leave shoes outside, far from their houses, to draw wildlife away. Maybe they need new running socks. I go through them at an alarming rate.

Being fair-haired, life with a full mop was brief. I keep dry-fit mesh runner caps everywhere for quick defence of my bald self. The brand Headsweats make good caps. I’ve never been a sweatband wearer but tote a microfibre instead.

Stay on your toes to avoid wildlife or wild drivers and riders. It is on you and I to pay attention. There are cemeteries full of people who had the right of way or law on their side. Be the survivor. Keep your head on a swivel. When we push our cardio-envelope dizziness, blurred vision, waning balance can occur and find you injured or worse.

When running alone, treat it like a flight plan. Always communicate your route and schedule with someone who cares enough to pay attention. Then allow the Greek Goddess of Atalanta to lend you her swift feet.

Photo by Tirachard Kumtanom:

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