Inspiring Dreams and Positive Energy From California

Slay Mayas delivers her good vibes and positive energy with her new single It’s My Time (feat. 9Doe)

Philadelphia-based independent artist, Slay Mayas released a steadfast track that she describes as “very personal” to her. “It’s My Time” (featuring 9DOE) is the newest single from the alternative R&B singer/songwriter that dropped  in June this year.

With strong motivation, Slay Mayas celebrates her freedom through her single to honor her time.

“This is my time to be the superstar I was sent here to be”.

After appearing on a couple of stages, including; American Idol and X-factor, the prodigy believes now is the time to be her greatest self. Nobody can steal away her joy of knowing that now is the time to do whatever it is for her own.

Wrapped in an affirmative message, the single flows with a slow tempo that just allows you to drown in its lyrics. Mayas’ voice projects colorfully to give flesh to the melody as she delivers her good vibes and positive energy. As early as fourteen, Slay Mayas has been musically inclined, creating music that brings out the best of her talent. Her single “It’s My Time” is an intuition to finally be happy and realize her opportunities to her newly found glory.

Pump it up Magazine - R&B Singer Slay Mayas - Vol.7-Issue #8

By Editions L.A. in Pump it up magazine

34 pages, published 8/25/2022

Hello readersAnd no! Summer is not over just yet. We have another holiday coming up on Sept 5th 2022 Labor DaySummer ends September 22, 2022 so we’ve got more sunshine and beaches left (and mosquitoes! lol)I hope you all are enjoying this California Sunshine and absolutely unbearable heat on somedays Wherever you are enjoy every moment. Life is for living and living is for Life.Summer is also a great time for family also. We’re hoping that now…

Don’t miss out on Slay Mayas exclusive interview on Pump it up magazine – Vol.7 – Issue #8 – August 20th 2022

Check out her single on all major music streaming platforms.

Music links
Watch Slay Mayas “My Time” the documentary


Social media links
Ig: slaymayas
Fb: slay mayas
YouTube : slay mayas


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