StandUp For Kids is a nationally recognized non-profit charity that works directly with thousands of homeless youth across the country. Our organization was founded in 1990 by a group of volunteers in San Diego, CA. Starting from a program in one city, StandUp For Kids has grown to sustain locations in 17 cities across 10 states and the District of Columbia. We remain a nearly all-volunteer organization that prioritizes the needs of the youth we serve.
Simply put, we are here to empower homeless and at-risk youth toward lifelong personal growth, and to create in these youth a sincere belief in themselves through open, straightforward counseling, mentoring, and life-skills training.
Our national office is located in Atlanta, Georgia.
Download our annual report and our one-pager.
How To Help
Youth homelessness will only end when everyone rolls up their sleeves and harvests their contributions. Maybe yours is the gift of time in service to youth or in leadership in the national and local programs. Maybe it is in the form of sustained financial contribution. Maybe you want to start your own StandUp For Kids program in a city we aren’t currently serving. Whatever it is, we need it, and this nation’s vulnerable youth need you!