Inspiring Dreams and Positive Energy From California

ELLEN COOPER – Jazz Vocalist – Summer Edition Vol.4 – Issue #5

Greetings everyone, Wow! What a ride we’ve had with the Spring weather in California. Rainy, cold and cloudy for many days. It finally looks like the sun is back and pointing us toward summer and our June edition.

This month we’re proud and happy to say that our new cover girl this month is Ellen Cooper. Singer extraordinaire. A voice you won’t want to miss hearing.

The debut single SO MUCH JOY from super songstress Ellen Cooper. Ellen has been a hidden force in the industry and has performed around the world for large audiences and worked with some of the best musicians in the world. This is her debut single from a forthcoming Album.

Also this month is our tribute to Michael Jackson our icon who left us in 2009. No matter what people may say about him he left us with some of the most memorable and timeless moments in musical history.

And in this issue we have the top indie artists, with the young and talented Randy White who has released his first CD and it is the “ hot” . Watch out young ladies, he’s a hottie! We hope you enjoy this summer edition and don’t forget to tune-in to Pump It Up Magazine Radio to listen to your favorite artists both independent and major.


Don’t miss the talented jazz vocalist Ellen Cooper interview on the next printed and digital edition of Pumpitupmagazine

Pump it up Magazine - Vol.4 - Issue #4 - Ellen Cooper

Pump it up Magazine – Vol.4 – Issue #4 – Ellen Cooper

Greetings everyone, Wow! What a ride we’ve had with the Spring weather in California. Rainy, cold and cloudy for many days. It finally looks like the sun is back and pointing us toward summer and our June edition. This month we’re proud and happy to say that our new cover girl this…

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