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Welcome Christmas Festivities with Silicone Beaded Wreaths! Take a Creative Dive

 Christmas is knocking on the doors. Is your home ready for the celebration? Homes will follow the festivities and traditions to soak in the vibe. While plenty of symbols and signs are used, Christmas wreaths are among the most common sights you encounter. Many homes put them on their front doors, windows, fences, and even lampposts. Some can also decorate the car’s grille. Wreaths have been used for so long and are linked with immortality, renewal, and rejuvenation.

Parents and children experiment with different DIY ideas during this festive season. Multiple items are created, from Christmas trees to a snowman. If you want to make something easy, opt for beaded Christmas wreaths. You can create beautiful designs with large and small silicone beads. Do you know where to buy them at affordable prices? Visit a silicone beads wholesale store. You will come across endless shapes, sizes, and themes. There will also be other bead materials to explore. You can add some of them to your project if you wish. Now, let’s figure out how to make a beaded wreath.

  • Collect supplies for the Christmas wreath

Get large- and small-sized beads, a 19-inch wreath ring, greenery, glue, floral wire, a cutter, ribbons, and scissors. These essential materials are needed to make the desired wreath design, and they are all affordable and easily accessible.

  • Christmas wreath-making process

First, you want to trim the wreath ring to a preferred length with a wire cutter. Focus on the area where the ring is joined. After this, you can insert silicone beads into the ring. Add colorful or same-colored beads as you like. Depending on the size and space, you may need about 80 to 85 of them. Once done, you can join the two ends of the ring with glue. Allow it to dry for about an hour. After the time has passed, you can continue doing the remaining decoration work even if the area is slightly sticky.

Now, you will have greenery to add to the beaded ring. Decide its position on the ring beforehand to make the setup visually exciting. Also, it will allow you to tweak a few details here and there. Typically, asymmetrical wreath designs demand more effort. Such a meticulous approach can be significant. What greenery do you want to add to the wreath? Some people like to use pine picks in the first layer, followed by cedar picks. Be sure to attach them to floral wire with proper reinforcement. After this, you can add a ribbon to the unfinished section of the wreath to hide the unwanted spots. Finish the look with a symmetrical bow, pasting it onto the wreath. Let the wreath completely dry now.

So, the silicone beaded Christmas wreath is ready for use. If you want to delve into more creative ideas with beads, check out the extensive range of wholesale beads online. Quality, varieties, and affordable pricing will leave you amazed. You can use these as cues to fan your DIY ambition and create more products for home and personal use. You can also start a side business.

Welcome Christmas Festivities with Silicone Beaded Wreaths! Take a Creative Dive at 

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